dating photography

This service is only available in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

What you get

  1. A free, custom lookbook, with suggested outfits for the shoot.

  2. A 1-hour photo shoot with one of our amazing visual storytellers, Hot Shoe Ash or Emtee Pix.

  3. A shoot location of your choice in, the Greater Toronto Area (weather permitting, of course).

  4. Ten digital photos, with light touch-ups.

  5. Your photos delivered, within 3 to 5 business days of the shoot (upon full payment).


$375 CAD (no tax), paid in 2 installments:

  • An initial payment of $100 to secure the shoot date and your photographer.

  • The remaining balance will be paid after the photoshoot and before you receive your final photos.

Your photographers
